Switch to the new Pocket API and other news

Greetings from the crofflr headquarters. Thanks to the easter break and the horrible weather conditions here in Berlin I found time to update the crofflr service.
The most important update is the switch to the new Pocket developer API. The new API brings better control on how to retrieve your reading list (better filtering of content types, sorting etc.) and a new "quick authentication" based on Oauth2. That means crofflr no longer need to request or store your personal Pocket login information to authenticate with Pocket. It just stores an application specific token for accessing your Pocket data. You can remove these access rights at any time in your Pocket options.
Please go to the crofflr configuration page and authorize crofflr to access your Pocket account in the "Services" section to make the switch to the new API. At some point Pocket will switch off the old username/password authorization, so I recommend that you update your crofflr configuration in the near future. Don't worry, until you do that, your deliveries will work just as normal.

When you visit the crofflr configuration you will see that I redesigned it from one monolithic form to a number of tabbed sections. I hope this will make the configuration process more user friendly. The page is now a little bit more Javascript heavy, please report when things don't work with your browser, unless you use something like IE6.

Thanks to more metadata in the Pocket results, I can now add author information to Pocket articles, but you need to switch to the new API for this.

This release sees also the return of the "Send my delivery now" button in the "Schedule" section. This allows you to trigger an instant delivery to your Kindle. There is no limit on how many deliveries you can trigger, just a 15 minutes wait time to avoid flooding of the job queue.

That's all for now, happy reading!

Best regards, Michael